Sunday, September 27, 2015

My Safari Experience : Scouting The Extinct Existence

            Before I start my storytelling about my journey, Lance, William and I have been arguing about what the biggest animal is, is a lizard a Dinosaur or not, and are the Dinosaurs even real. In this blog you find out more about these questions. So sit back, relax and enjoy this blog. 

              In my journey through the wild life, I interacted with so many extinct animals like the Dinosaurs, Mammoths and Saber-toothed Cats. I didn’t only see land animals, I also saw the aquatic life while inside an underwater tunnel. There, I saw the Megalodon; the largest shark known, the Dunklesteus; the 2nd largest aquatic Dinosaur, and the world-famous Mosasaurus; the BIGGEST and I mean BIGGEST of all aquatic life.

             One of the most fearful animal that I saw is the Mosasaurus and do you know why? Obviously it was very dreadful in its size. It was the last of its kind; the Mosasaurids. Its name means “Meuse Lizard”. Its length was about 59 feet that is equivalent of 4 Dinosaurs in the size of a T-Rex. Although, the Mosasaurus has poor eyesight, it has MASSIVE teeth that can tear any piece of flesh like a plankton. That’s why it’s first on my most fearful animals list. 

           Next is the Saber-toothed Cat. It is a member of various extinct groups of predatory mammals that have long, curved saber-shaped canine teeth. Despite the “cat” in its name, it was never close to a modern-day cat. This cat has a speed that can race up a Cheetah, this cat has stealth skills that can put Chameleon to shame, this cat has senses that can even surpass Wolverine from the X-men and lastly this cat has a very, very, VERY fierce heart, and do you know why? It has a VERY fierce heart because it can kill an Elephant, a Rhino and other colossal animals, what else would you call it if it can annihilate enemies at this size?

 And lastly , the  Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Its name “Tyrannosaurus” means “Tyrant Lizard” and “Rex” means “King”. Why is it worthy of being called “King”? Due to its speed, strength, skill, and power, no other terrestrial Dinosaur would dare try this baby out. Although it has a very large head, its jaws are also chisel-like blades that were sharper than a SN-2 knife. What more could you ask for? For this 13-foot killing machine can withstand any terrestrial Dinosaur alive!

Did you ever wonder why in Jurassic Park, why does the T-Rex never die easily? Not just because of its strength, but also in its pride, no king would ever accept loss right? So now you know. And this was my Safari Experience, seeing animals like never before, with info of course! Why’d you think I know these things? No offence. Peace Out!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Coolest Video Game: Assassin's Creed

 The coolest video game for me is the series: Assassin’s Creed. I ranked it 1st on my all-time favorite video games. Mostly their stories are from different eras and different places of the world. Examples of these are Firenze(Florence), Romagna (Rome), Venenzia(Venice), Monteriggioni, Victorian London, Masyaf, China, The Ocean Pacific, Paris , America , and Russia. The developer of this game is Ubisoft Montreal, a British company with lots and LOTS of cash. This game starts with a child whose past is tragic, until he/she finds a trainer to help him/her seek who  made his/her life miserable. Aside from the brutal kills, violent combos and HD graphics, this game also talks about mystery, history and strategy, especially Assassin’s Creed: Unity. Although most people only notice the blood and gore of this game, they don’t notice the message of the story. Just like in Assassin’s Creed II, the main protagonist is Ezio Auditore da Firenze and he seeks vengeance for his slain father and brothers whose cases are treason. The primary suspects were Rodrigo Borgia, a Spanish pastor-turned-Pope Alexander XVI and his right hand man, Uberto Alberti, a Gonfaloniere (town crier) of the Renaissance. They are the reasons why Ezio’s mother, Maria Auditore was traumatized. Ezio begins his journey where he assassinates the henchmen of the so-called “Gonfaloniere” so that the “Gonfaloniere” will get out of his shell. Ezio also collects the feathers of his late brother,Petruccio, so that they may remind Ezio’s mother that when there is still family, there is also hope. And that’s why I love this game.

        What's an Assassin? An Assassin is a counter part of a Templar, in which will be discussed further, an Assassin is a person of very wide knowledge,skills,talents and strengths. He/she is very patient, silent, cunning and quick-witted.He is held responsible for the Apple of Eden (or the Apple of Adam and Eve) and if he/she lets the Apple of Eden fall into Templar hands, then also he/she breaks The Creed;therefore he/she will be killed.Those are just the traits and rules of an Assassin. The true meaning of being an Assassin is continuing the protection for The Light (or the people who can't defend themselves) through heroic acts, it can be in a less violent way or if the Assassin is forced, then he/she is forced to kill the target. The main and most efficient weapon that is used by The Assassins is the
          Xiphoid (Hidden Blade), a small knife hidden under the arm and covered by a leather arm piece. It was first used by the greatest Assassin, Altair Ibn-ahad  and then handed down to Ezio,Connor,Edward,Arno and so on and so forth. It was then used by some Assassin-turned-Templars like Haytham Kenway, the father of Connor Kenway.

        Next is Assassin’s Creed VI: Syndicate, this part of the series begins with a character whose past is still unknown. This character’s name is Jacob Frye, a gangster Assassin. He is the leader of the gang “The Rooks”; a small resistance turning into a large army from the British Templar Colony. What is a Templar? A Templar is a knight whose sole purpose is to multiply the reputation of the Crown through violence and money, also they are responsible for the loss and the breaking of the Sword of Eden and Apple of Eden. Jacob plans that his fallen nation will rise over its desperation, that’s why he established the Rooks. And now you know why I love this series. It doesn’t just show violence and parkour, it also shows hope, honor, love and  loyalty. And at the end of each episode will show an important value : “It’s better to have faith in something than none at all” this is what Connor Kenway said. That’s why it’s the coolest video game ever.